Healthy Cities Tutoring helps kids who struggle to succeed in school. Community volunteers provide one-on-one support for children aged K-8th grade in San Carlos and Redwood City schools to improve their academic performance, engagement in learning, and self-esteem. This past school year, 438 caring volunteers each gave the gift of their time one hour per week to help the 508 children in our program. About 1/3 of our volunteers are teens and all make a difference in the lives of children. The minimum age to volunteer is 14 years or 8th grade.
We expect the need for more volunteer tutors to grow next school year and we hope you will get involved in this rewarding volunteer experience. You will be able to choose your preferred time, school location, and age/grade of child for tutoring. While training is not required, we provide training workshops monthly from October through March with the first training scheduled for Wednesday, October 16, 2019 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm in the Multi-Use Room at White Oaks School, 1901 White Oak Way, San Carlos.
To learn more, visit www.healthycitiestutoring.org and to VOLUNTEER, click the blue volunteer button to complete the online application or email Cris Adair, Volunteer Coordinator, at cadair@healthycitiestutoring.org for questions.