NOVAworks Young Adult Program
Ready to kickstart your career? Our personalized career counseling, internship, and financial aid opportunities are designed to help you explore career paths, get skills training, and land your first job. If you’re 17 – 24 and live in San Mateo and northern Santa Clara counties, we’re here to support your journey to success.
Paid Internships
Young adults starting out in their careers are matched with employers offering paid internship opportunities. Young adults gain valuable skills, responsibility, and income; employers gain a motivated intern whose wages are subsidized by NOVAworks.
Our career guidance program targets young adults age 17-24 who are:
- High school dropouts or at risk of dropping out
- Pursuing HSE or HiSET or receiving vocational training at an adult education center
- Justice impacted
- Homeless
- Pregnant or parenting
- Disabled
- Economically disadvantaged (e.g., TANF, SNAP, Cash Aid, General Assistance)
- Foster Youth
About NOVAworks
NOVAworks is a nonprofit, federally funded employment and training agency that provides customer-focused workforce development services. We work closely with local businesses, educators, and job seekers to ensure that our programs provide opportunities that build the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to address the workforce needs of Silicon Valley.
Get Started!
Our team is available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For more information or to make an appointment call 408-730-7640, text 408-568-7776, or email You can also submit your interest on our interest form and we’ll reach out to you! Form:
456 W. Olive Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA
While our headquarters is in Sunnyvale, we will meet you where you are located! Appointments can be in-person, over the phone or on Zoom.